Vic-20 Game: Mind Twisters
Mind Twisters is a collection of four puzzle games that pitches you against the VIC.
- Blackjack is a card game where the object is to reach 21 on your first two cards, or reach a score higher than the dealer without exceeding that number. You start the game with £1000, and you break the bank if you reach £20,000.
- Decipher is a version of Mastermind. Five colored squares, representing yellow, green, purple, and blue, and you are trying to break the hidden code by pressing the keys Y, G, P, and B. If a solid circle is displayed, it means that you have the correct color in the correct position. If a solid circle is displayed, it means that you have the correct color in the wrong position.
- In Four Thought, you are playing against the VIC in an attempt to align four of your counters in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical line before it does.
- In Teaser, the object is to pick three of the nine boxes that make up a total of 15. The VIC is doing the same thing. If all the boxes are taken, it is a draw.

Vic-20 Game: Mind Twisters